PWB Encoders - Fegemu Solutions

PWB encoders GmbH

Somos partner oficial exclusivo de PWB Encoders en España


Eisenach, Alemania


Mini-Encoders, Encoder Wheels, Encoder Strips and customized Motor-Encoder-Assemblies for multiple industries and fields of application.


  • Miniature encoders: optical and magnetic, incremental and absolut.
  • Encoder wheels: Transmissive and reflective encoder wheels on film basis. Resolutions up to 1,000 lpi and tolerances less than one micrometer for the bar-window ratio (optical) and < 10 micrometer (concentricity inner hole for data track – mechanical) prove the high standard of our products technologically and regarding production engineering.
  • Encoder strips: Transmissive and reflective encoder strips on film basis with resolutions up to 1,000 lpi for very tight tolerances in every size and quantity.
PWB Encoders - Marca Fegemu Solutions

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Diseño, producción y distribución de componentes optoelectrónicos y sistemas.

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(+34) 943 316 799

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