Industrial automation

We accompany you in the industrial automation of your processes

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Fegemu Solutions' simple and practical method to optimise automation in your industrial plant and not be left behind

At Fegemu Solutions we have been advising companies that want to reach their maximum level and make savings in their processes on industrial automation since 1996.

That is why we know that each company has its own needs and its own pace of automation of its industrial plant.

With our method, we take everything into account so that the result is satisfactory, smooth for you and completely personalised:

1. Analysis · 2. Design · 3. Implementation · 4. Validation

Find out more without obligation and turn your obsolete factory into an efficient and competitive industrial plant.

Efficient and competitive industrial plant

This is how we do it

At Fegemu Solutions we work at your pace, basing our methodology on a personalised industrial automation consultancy and engineering service.

1. [strongAnalysis

To solve your problems or optimise your processes, we first study your current situation

  • We collect as much information as possible about the possible states in which your machines or processes may be.
  • • We define the systems to be used according to the complexity of the objective (safety, operating modes, production...).
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2. Design

Once we have all the information, and we have studied it thoroughly, it is time to design a customised solution for you.

  • We select the appropriate automation system.
  • We define the integration of sensors and actuators.
  • We configure everything according to each application or activity.
Tell us your need

3. Implementation

We take care of the implementation of the solutions that will optimise your processes.

  • We work with you and your team to integrate the right component into the machine.
  • We accompany you in the programming of the equipment, if you wish.
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4. Validation

Our work is not finished until we ensure that the solution fulfils the function for which it was designed.

  • Once the installation has been carried out, we do a test to verify that it works.
  • And if the tests recommend it, we make proposals for improvement to ensure that the process is developed under the best possible conditions.
Get in touch to find out more

Leading brands for industrial automation

Industrial automation - Fegemu Solutions

Rely on the experience of Fegemu Solutions to achieve the maximum performance of your industrial plant thanks to automation

You can consult us depending on the stage you think your project is at or leave the complete automation project of your industrial plant in our hands.

Together we will achieve an ideal working environment: productive, innovative, safe and efficient.

Contact our experts today and start improving.

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(+34) 943 316 799

Consulta - Automatización industrial