
We advise you on the most cost-effective way to integrate robotics into your industrial plant.

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Fegemu Solutions: we are consultants in the application of robotics in industrial plants

We offer a global robotics service for your industrial processes.

An effective industrial robotics integration must meet these requirements:

  • It must be cost-effective in the long term
  • Compatible and adaptable to your current processes
  • Be secure
  • It must optimise your productivity and performance as much as possible
  • It should work naturally with your operators

We achieve this goal by implementing collaborative robots and industrial robots.

And we do this through a plan designed in four phases:

1. Analysis · 2. Safety requirements · 3. Integration · 4. Technical support

Ask for more information without obligation and discover the most cost-effective way to include robotics in your industrial plant.

Robótica - Fegemu Solutions

How we do it

With Fegemu Solutions' simple four-step plan, robotics can revolutionise the way you work and the results of your industrial company.

1. Analysis

We gather all the facts about the application to help you make the right decisions.

  • Analysis of the application.
  • Consultancy: Depending on the results, we decide the solution that suits you best: collaborative robotics (cobots), industrial robotics, accessories and peripheral systems...
  • Comprehensive consultancy: If you need it, we can carry out a global study of your robotics needs and take care of the consultancy, engineering, verification and adaptation.
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2. Safety requirements

We take everything into account so that you have every guarantee of safety when integrating robotics into your processes.

  • We provide you with the necessary training so that you know everything about the safety of each product.
  • Our robotics experts will always be at your disposal to answer your questions.
  • We explain how to carry out a correct risk analysis.
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3. Integration

Leave the whole process of integrating robotic solutions in your industrial plant in our hands.

  • If you need to automate a specific task using robotics, we can advise you.
  • We have a wide network of verified integrators throughout the peninsula.
  • If you are an integrator, contact us to learn about the potential of Fegemu Solutions.

4. Technical support

At Fegemu Solutions we don't see ourselves as robotics suppliers, but as fellow travellers: we will never leave you alone.

  • We will support you in any technical consultation you may need: product specifications, compatibility with other peripherals and equipment, programming, commissioning, etc.
  • We are the official technical service for Doosan Robotics collaborative robots: we take care of repairs directly to make it easier for our customers.
  • Expert training: we help you to broaden your knowledge of industrial and collaborative robotics at different levels: beginners, complex tasks, regulations, etc.
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Leading brands for robotics

Robótica - Fegemu Solutions

Make your robotics investment the most profitable one with the experts at Fegemu Solutions

We guide you from the beginning to the end of your project.

We are specialists in the integration of industrial robotics and collaborative robotics (cobots).

Official technical service of Doosan Robotics, one of the leading brands in the market.

Contact our experts today and ask for information without obligation.

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(+34) 943 316 799

Consulta - Robótica